Discipleship Ministries

Discipleship Ministries connects laity and clergy around the world with contextually-appropriate resourcing and materials, training, consulting and networking to support spiritual formation, new church development and revitalization of local churches. Its newest initiative, See All The People, encourages and supports congregations in developing discipleship systems that begin with being in authentic, organic and consistent relationship with those around their churches.
Discover Discipleship Ministries
Steadfast Love worship series header. Courtesy of Discipleship Ministries.

A playlist? For the season of Lent? A Lenten playlist? What an odd idea. Many of us, however, find music a helpful tool for contemplation. So, we offer this playlist as another tool for your worship experience this season.

Photo courtesy of Discipleship Ministries.

This inspiring experience offers church leaders the tools and resources to successfully lead a small group experience that fosters discipleship, accountability, and spiritual growth.

The most essential step for making disciples of Jesus Christ is to immerse ourselves in the lives of the people who are right outside our doors, acknowledging that God calls us to have meaningful relationships in authentic, organic and consistent ways. Image courtesy of Discipleship Ministries.


For too long, The United Methodist Church has searched for a quick fix to help guide our discipleship efforts. We have been busy sending postcards, producing PowerPoint presentations and studying community demographics. While efforts like those may be important, they alone do not lead to disciple-making. The most essential step for making disciples of Jesus Christ is to immerse ourselves in the lives of the people who are right outside our doors, acknowledging that God calls us to have meaningful relationships in authentic, organic and consistent ways.
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Find resources to help equip your members for their journey of discipleship. Image by Forgiven Photography, Lightstock.

Equipping Disciples:
Discipleship Ministries eLearning Courses

Receive high-quality information that will enrich your faith life! Check out a full list of online course offerings, including some that offer Continuing Education Units.

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Find tools and tips for leading. Image by fizkes, iStockphoto.

Leadership resources for making disciples

Leadership is an extension of discipleship. It calls for Christians who are committed to increasing their leadership skills and deepening their spiritual practices. Here are tips and tools for congregational leaders, both lay and clergy.

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Location: 1908 Grand Avenue Nashville, TN 37212  |  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 340003, Nashville, TN 37203-0003  |  Phone: 877-899-2780 (toll free)

Email: info@UMCdiscipleship.org

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