Intercultural Competency Sermon Starters


GCORR has created this PDF downloadable resource to assist both clergy and lay preachers to attend faithfully to the biblical text while engaging Intercultural Competency (ICC) as a value and skill set. The resource format is decidedly exegetical. Interpretation of the biblical text happens before intercultural competency ideas, values, and skill sets enter the discussion. Then, and only then, does dialogue take place between the two. Each contributor’s commentary ends with two (2) sermon starters to stir your preaching imagination, such that your work moves from study to sermon preparation. This resource assumes basic preaching skills and is not intended to teach someone how to preach. At the same time, it assumes a beginner level experience with Intercultural Competency. Thus, the work around the biblical text focuses on interpretation (exegesis), and the work around Intercultural Competency focuses on education through concrete definitions, descriptions, examples, and connections. GCORR is excited to walk alongside you as you expand your preaching skills, learn how to incorporate ICC into your sermons, and show congregations and beyond how ICC is an authentic expression of our faith. Let’s get started!


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