연합감리교회 한인총회의 탈북자 인권문제에 관한 결의문

지난번 열린 연합감리교회 한인총회(4/16-19, 뉴저지 아콜라연합감리교회)에서 탈북자들의 인권문제에 관한 결의문을 중국대사관으로 보내기로 결의하고 실행하였음을 알려 드립니다. 아래의 내용은 중국대사관으로 보내진 결의문(영문)의 내용입니다.

Resolution on Human Rights of the North Koreans Refugees

We, the 350 participants of the National Association of Korean American United Methodist Churches' General Meeting, held at the Hilton Hotel in Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey on April 16th, 2012, unanimously decided to make the following resolution.

Whereas; The Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsular is the foremost concern of Korean American United Methodist Churches;

Whereas, the lack of human rights in North Korea and the refugees leaving the North Korea seeking food and freedom are increasing in recent years, risking all kinds of dangers to their lives and to their families'.

Whereas, in recent months, North Korean refugees are detained by the Chinese government and being forcibly returned to the North Korea against the refugees' wishes;

And where as, such return would certainly mean their imprisonment or death as the punishment.

Be it resolved; that the government of Peoples Republic of China respect North Korean refugees' human rights as prescribed by the United Nations charter, and the Peoples Republic of China treat them as the political refugees who are seeking political asylum, and provide the humanitarian treatment to them and grant them the physical protection until such time as they find their countries of choice to live.

We applaud the recent action of the Chinese government, allowing such persons to go to the country of their choice such as South Korea. We ask Peoples Republic of China continue such humanitarian action to the North Korean refugees.

자료제공: 안명훈 목사, 연합감리교회 한인총회 총회장
올린날: 2012년 5월 18일 연합감리교회 공보부 TN

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