When We Meet

Harriet Olsen talks with the Rev. Emmanuel Clever III during the Connectional Table meeting held at United Methodist Discipleship Ministries in Nashville, Tenn., April 2. Photo by Kathleen Barry, UM News
Harriet Olsen talks with the Rev. Emmanuel Clever III during the Connectional Table meeting held at United Methodist Discipleship Ministries in Nashville, Tenn., April 2. Photo by Kathleen Barry, UM News

The Connectional Table (CT) meets at least semi-annually, and at other times as necessary, based on the call of the CT chairperson, or from a written request of one-fifth of its members. 

The CT meets face-to-face at least once a year. The purpose of face-to-face meetings is to stay focused on collaborative thinking regarding the CT board's role in governance, stewardship, and theological reflection.

The CT also uses online meeting forums which help keep CT members informed, engaged, and accountable to the ongoing tasks as directed by the General Conference. Members hear reports and updates from various groups associated from the CT's mandates.

Who Can Come?

In the spirit of openness and accountability, all CT meetings are open to any observers who wish to attend.

According to the Book of Discipline, all participants will be informed if meetings are electronically recorded. Closed meetings should be used as seldom as possible, and results of a closed session are to be reported immediately after the meeting concludes.

Please contact us to join one of our online board meetings. 

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