Latino Leader Panel

United Methodist Communications established a Latino Leader Panel (LLP) in 2018 to review common challenges across Hispanic/Latino churches and develop strategies to meet the needs of these churches. Panelists participate in online surveys and focus groups throughout the year and are typically compensated for their time.

Are you actively trying to grow the Hispanic/Latino community in your congregation?
Are you involved in the communication or marketing activities of your local United Methodist Church?

If you said YES, this panel is an opportunity for you to share your experiences, build relationships and grow the United Methodist Church. 


Information collected from the Latino Leader Panel has led to the following:

  • Steps towards Ordination video in Spanish
  • Introductory Video of United Methodist Communications staff & resources (English and Spanish)
  • Latino Leader Panel Logo
  • Special discounts and promotions for Advent and Lent resources
  • Grants for web development, promotional items, & technology
  • Development of culturally relevant resources and content on the Spanish version of

Contact: Teresa Faust, Senior Manager, Research & Metrics, United Methodist Communications, The United Methodist Church. 

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