Leadership Resources
2x/Month (Tuesday)
Offers timely content, ideas and inspiration that clergy and lay leaders need to support ministry in their local church and community.
Communications and Outreach Tips
2x/Month (Tuesday)
Upgrade ministry communications using emerging trends and tutorials in marketing, social media, the web and email.
Inspiration for Faithful Living
2XMonth (Monday)
United Methodist Now is a twice-monthly e-newsletter for church members to highlight examples of Christian living, share inspirational messages and focus on what it means to be part of our connection.
Noticias y recursos en Español y Portugués
2x/Mes (Jueves)
Ofrece noticias y recursos en español y portugués para información, ideas e inspiración de clérigos y laicos para apoyar el ministerio en su iglesia local.
Supporting Korean pastors & lay leaders
2x/Monthly (Friday)
연합감리교회 전반에 걸친 최신 뉴스와 목회 자료를 비 롯한 여러분 신앙에 지침이 될 이야기 그 이상을 발견하 실 수 있습니다.