New Church Start Packages

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Our promotional grants will help you with community outreach and establishing your presence in the community. 	 This is an example of a postcard from Providence United Methodist Church in Mount Juliet, Tenn. when it was a new church start. File photo by Ronny Perry, United Methodist Communications.

Reach out

Our outreach grants will help you establish your presence in the community.

New Focus for Outreach Support Packages

We realize there are many new church communities forming and they want to make their presence known in the community. In an effort to help as many churches as possible, we have restructured our New Church Outreach Support Packages.

Our emphasis for this marketing and promotional package is focused on community outreach and establishing your presence in the community. Our local church specialists will work with you to identify promotional materials, training opportunities and share their expertise in website, social media and branding services that will fit your needs to most effectively promote your church in your community. We are asking new church applicants to identify at least two (2) community events that they will attend in order to promote their new church.

New Church Start Packages are a one-time, award for new faith communities within the first five (5) years of their launch.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this opportunity, we ask that your church meet the following criteria:

  • Is a United Methodist church sanctioned by your annual conference as a new church start
  • Is a newly established United Methodist worshiping church community launched for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ (grants are not provided for 2nd worship services of established UM churches or new ministries of established UM churches)
  • Is within the first five (5) years of development
  • Develops a core leadership team, a communications strategy and other systems for sustainability
  • Is willing to have a church presence at two (2) community events in the current year
  • Is willing to complete an online follow-up evaluation
  • Provides photos showing use of items received by UMCom (ex. attendance at a local event, use of promotional items, etc.)
Start the grant application process
New church start promotional item examples.

Examples of promotional items 

  • coffee mugs
  • travel mugs
  • water bottles
  • coffee sleeves or koozies
  • tote bags
  • pens
  • t-shirts
  • banners
  • yard signs
  • and more!

All items can be customized with your church name, church logo, and your church website (your Facebook or Find-A-Church URL can be used if you do not yet have a website). 

Some of the larger items can display your church slogan if it fits the specifications of the item. You can also choose the color you want to match your churches identity (depending on the colors that are available for an item).

For more information, email

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