Memorandum Number 1506


May 03, 2024

IN RE: General Conference Petition for a Declaratory Decision Concerning the Constitutionality and Application of ¶ 101 as Amended by the Adoption of Calendar Item 283, in Relation to ¶¶ 27 and 31.5 Under Article V of the Constitution, and Specifically Whether Jurisdictions Have the Authority to Adapt The Book of Discipline in the Same Manner as Central Conferences.

On Friday, May 3, 2024, by a vote of more than one-fifth of its members [492 in favor and 168 opposed] the General Conference requested a declaratory decision as to the constitutionality of Calendar Item 283. The text of the written request is as follows:

Declaratory Decision regarding the Constitutionality and applicability of the amended ¶ 101 as it relates to ¶¶ 27 and 31.5 and Article V of our Constitution. Specifically, do Jurisdictions now have the authority to adapt The Book of Discipline in the same manner as Central Conferences with the passage of Calendar Item 283, and is such authority constitutional?

This written request was received by the Judicial Council after 6:00 p.m. General Conference has already commenced its closing worship. The Judicial Council does not have sufficient time to process the case and render an opinion prior to the adjournment of the 2024 General Conference. As such, this matter is deferred to the Judicial Council’s Fall 2024 Docket.

May 3, 2024

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