Judicial Council Search Results

Title Date
1363 IN RE: Docket Nos. 1018-2, IN RE: Petition for Declaratory Decision from the Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters regarding the constitutionality, meaning, application, and effect of ¶ 408.1(b) in relation to ¶¶ 30, 542.2, 543.17, and ¶2201.2 of The Book of Discipline 2016. IN RE: Docket 1018-6, Review of a Bishop's Decision of Law in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference concerning if the bishop, committee(s) or agency(ies) have the authority to join and participate in a lawsuit filed against the New Jersey State Board of Education and Acting Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Education. IN RE: 1018-7, Review of a Bishop's Decision of Law in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference concerning if it is permissible to schedule "Church Superconferences" at location October 26, 2018 Memorandum
1366 IN RE: Petition for Declaratory Decision from the Council of Bishops regarding the constitutionality of three sets of legislative petitions known as the One Church Plan, Connectional Conference Plan, and Traditional Plan. October 26, 2018 Decision
1360 IN RE: Petition for Declaratory Decision from the Council of Bishops regarding the meaning, application and effect of ¶ 14 in relation to ¶ 507 of The Book of Discipline 2016. May 25, 2018 Decision
1359 In Re: Request for Reconsideration of Judicial Council Decision 1347 May 25, 2018 Memorandum
1358 In Re: Request for Reconsideration of Judicial Council Memorandum 1346 May 25, 2018 Memorandum
1357 IN RE: Review of a Bishop's Decision of Law in the Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference concerning if the statement in Petition 307 is aspirational in nature and is a true statement in accordance with The Book of Discipline 2016 ¶¶ 17, 103, 104. IN RE: Review of a Bishop's Decision of Law in the Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference concerning if the statement in Petition 611 is a) a true statement, b) aspirational in nature, and c) in violation of provisions of The Book of Discipline 2016. October 27, 2017 Memorandum
1356 IN RE: Review of a Bishop's Decision of Law in the South Carolina Annual Conference concerning if Decision 1340 of the Judicial Council or some part of the Book of Discipline 2016 render it out of order for an annual conference to petition the General Conference for enabling legislation to allow the Annual Conference to alter its relationship with the General Conference. October 27, 2017 Memorandum
1355 IN RE: Review of a Bishop's Decision of Law concerning if the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference is required to retroactively pay full salary and benefits to a clergy member who was placed on involuntary leave of absence. October 27, 2017 Decision
1354 IN RE: Petition for Declaratory Decision from the California-Pacific Annual Conference regarding the legality of the language added to The Book of Discipline 2016 ¶ 161.G) stating "…and considers this practice incompatible with Christian teaching," in particular if it violates the First and Second Restrictive Rules (Constitution ¶¶ 17-18). October 27, 2017 Memorandum
1353 IN RE: Petition for Declaratory Decision from the College of Bishops of the Africa Central Conference concerning if the General Council on Finance and Administration complied with Judicial Council Decision 1298. October 27, 2017 Memorandum
1352 IN RE: Review of a Bishop's Decision of Law in the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference concerning if, under The Book of Discipline 2016 ¶ 324.14, the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry has the authority to create a new category of candidates who are approved by the requisite three fourths majority of the Board members, but not brought forward for a vote of the clergy session. October 27, 2017 Decision
1351 IN RE: Review of a Bishop's Decision of Law in the Iowa Annual Conference regarding the complaint procedure involving a clergy member who was reported to have publicly declared to be "a self-avowed practicing homosexual." October 27, 2017 Decision

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