323 |
Request of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference for a Declaratory Decision on the Establishment of a Procedural Rule for Involuntary Location of Ministerial Members of the Conference. |
October 31, 1969 |
Decision |
322 |
Ruling of Bishop Charles F. Golden Regarding Annual Conference Authority to Reject Pension Funds Designated for Conference Claimants By Action of the General Conference. |
October 31, 1969 |
Decision |
321 |
Petition from the Oklahoma Annual Conference for a Declaratory Decision Defining the Meaning of the Introductory Section of Paragraph 352 of the Discipline Relating to Special Appointments |
October 31, 1969 |
Decision |
320 |
Ruling of Bishop Everett W. Palmer Concerning the Distribution of Funds by the Treasurer of the Local Church. |
October 31, 1969 |
Decision |
319 |
Ruling of Bishop Cornelio M. Ferrer in the Mindanao Annual Conference on the Question of Whether or Not the Definition of a Pastoral Charge in Paragraph 106 of the Discipline Shall Be the Basis for Lay Representation in the Annual Conference. |
October 31, 1969 |
Decision |
318 |
May an Annual Conference Require a Ministerial Candidate to Pledge to Abstain From the Use of Alcohol or Tobacco as a Condition for Ordination or Admission to Conference Membership. |
October 31, 1969 |
Decision |
317 |
Petition from the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference for a Declaratory Decision as to the Legality of Denying an Application for Probationary Membership Because the Applicant Is Married to a Person Who Is in Full Connection in the Conference. |
October 30, 1969 |
Decision |
316 |
Petition from the Iowa Annual Conference for a Declaratory Decision Concerning the Right of a Conference to Require a Probationary Year for Ministers Being Admitted on Credentials. |
October 30, 1969 |
Decision |
315 |
Petition of the National Division of the Board of Missions for a Declaratory Decision as to Whether or Not the United Methodist Investment Fund Authorized in Paragraph 1322.1(g) May Be Incorporated in the State of New York Without the Use of the Word "Investment" in Its Corporate Name. |
October 29, 1969 |
Decision |
314 |
Ruling of Bishop Reuben H. Mueller Concerning Proposed Restructuring of the South Indiana Annual Conference. |
October 29, 1969 |
Decision |
7 |
Request of the Uniting Conference to the Interim Judicial Council to determine the constitutionality of its action by which it denied to a Lay Pastor or a Minister's Spouse eligibility for election as Lay Members in an Annual Conference. |
May 02, 1969 |
313 |
Petition for Declaratory Decision as to the Power of a Central Conference to Delegate to Annual Conferences the Right of Determining Certain Qualifications for Ministerial Membership. |
January 31, 1969 |
Decision |