Most Recent Decisions

Title Date
1482 IN RE: Review of a Bishop’s Ruling on Two Questions of Law in the Wisconsin Annual Conference, that were Deferred by Decision 1459 Docket 1022 22: “Since the Pastor is not a member of the local congregation, is it appropriate to subject them to the implementation by the Wisconsin Annual Conference of ¶ 2553? ... [C]an the conference require clergy to ‘remain with The United Methodist Church, retire, or surrender credentials’?” April 25, 2023 Decision
1481 IN RE: Review of a Bishop’s Ruling on Questions of Law Raised During the October Special Session of the Northeast Jurisdictional Conference Regarding Whether Said October Session Is a Legitimate Jurisdictional Conference that Is in Compliance and in Keeping with ¶¶ 27, 518 and 521 of the 2016 Book of Discipline Including the Open Meeting Mandates of ¶ 722 and Whether the Special Session violates the Northeast Jurisdictional Conference Rules, Given that the Body Did Not Adopt a Format to Govern Electronic Meetings, as Required by Roberts Rules of Order? April 25, 2023 Decision
1480 IN RE: Review of a Bishop’s Ruling on Questions of Law raised during the North Carolina Annual Conference Concerning Compliance with Conference Procedural Requirements by Local Churches Seeking to Disaffiliate as well as the Sufficiency of the Information Provided to Annual Conference Members Prior to their Vote. April 25, 2023 Decision
1479 IN RE: Review of a Bishop’s Ruling on Questions of Law Raised During the Southeast Jurisdictional Conference Concerning the Number of Nominees that a Recently Merged Annual Conference May Submit to the Jurisdictional Conference for Election to the Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy. April 25, 2023 Decision
1478 IN RE: Request for a Declaratory Decision from the October Special Session of the Northeast Jurisdictional Conference as to Whether the College of Bishops’ Exceeded its Disciplinary Role and Authority by Submitting to the October Special Session a Written Recommendation That the Delegates Hold No Elections and Elect No Bishops to Fill the Episcopal Office Vacancies at the Jurisdictional Conference in November, and Ignored the Disciplinary Provisions that Vests the Authority to Make such Recommendations in the Jurisdictional Committee on the Episcopacy. April 25, 2023 Decision
1477 IN RE: Questions Concerning the Legality of Certain Actions and Omissions Within the Congo Central Conference and the Legality of Various Actions and Omissions Related to, and/or stemming from, the 2018 Congo Central Conference Special Session. April 25, 2023 Memorandum
1476 IN RE: Review of a Bishop’s Decision on a District Superintendent’s Ruling on Questions of Law Concerning Certain Local Church Disaffiliation Procedures within the Alabama West Florida Annual Conference. April 25, 2023 Decision
1475 IN RE: Review of a Bishop’s Ruling on a Question of Law on Whether Officials of the Alabama-West Florida Conference Negated, Ignored, or Violated ¶ 2553.1 of The Book Of Discipline by Presenting and Requesting a Vote on Disaffiliation of Churches that Have Failed to Establish Bona Fide ‘Reasons Of Conscience’ Regarding a Change in the Requirements and Provisions of The Book Of Discipline Related to the Practice of Homosexuality or the Ordination or Marriage of Self-Avowed and Practicing Homosexuals, as Resolved and Adopted by the 2019 General Conference, or the Actions or Inactions of the Annual Conference Related to Those Issues. April 25, 2023 Memorandum
1474 IN RE: Review of a Bishop's Ruling on a Question Raised during the Southeast Jurisdictional Conference as to Whether Three of the Petitions Before the Body were Out of Order as a Matter of Law. April 25, 2023 Memorandum
1473 IN RE: Request from the College of Bishops of the Central Conference of Central and Southern Europe Concerning the Legality and Effect of Certain Legislative Actions of the 2022 Session of the Bulgaria-Romania Annual Conference. April 25, 2023 Decision
1472 IN RE: Petition for Clarification of Judicial Council Decision 1451 from the Council of Bishops. March 20, 2023 Decision
1471 IN RE: Request for a Declaratory Decision, and Other Relief, Submitted by a Clergy Member of the North Katanga Annual Conference. March 20, 2023 Memorandum

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