5 Ways to Encourage People to Increase Their Giving

Photo credit: Leading Ideas: Lewis Center for Church Leadership.
Photo credit: Leading Ideas: Lewis Center for Church Leadership.

I believe that giving to God’s work should be based on the tithe and proportional giving. The reality is most people can’t increase their pledge to a tithe in one fell swoop, but they can attain that level of giving over time through giving an increased proportion of their financial resources each year.

One of the most effective ways to increase giving is to write a personal letter asking for each pledging household to consider increasing their pledge by a specific dollar amount.

1. Ask givers to increase by a specific dollar amount. The least effective is asking for a percentage increase, because the parishioner will often compare the percent raise they got on their job with the percent increase the church is asking for. Yet asking someone to consider an increase from $65 to $75 a week makes it seem doable, although it is a 15 percent increase.

2. Share a giving chart with suggested increased amounts. A second way I have found effective is a giving chart based on a household’s present pledge. It is a one-page document with the first column the household’s current pledge, the second column a suggested increased amount, then the third column suggesting an amount to support future growth.

Weekly Pledge

Monthly Pledge

To Keep Our Parish Strong


For the Growth of Our Parish


3. List all your pledgers. Another suggestion, based on a congregation’s culture, is to list all who have made pledges for the coming year on the back of the program. It is a way of witnessing to the faith of those who have said yes to financially supporting the congregation. If this is done, there should be a place on the pledge card to indicate you want to remain anonymous. Never publish the name of a donor who wants to be anonymous. 

4. Write personal thank you notes. I have found that the six most important words in a stewardship effort are “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Following the receipt of the pledges, the pastor needs to write a personal letter to each pledging household thanking them for their pledge. The most effective, of course, is a handwritten thank-you note.

5. Build on the power of relationships. I have experienced the powerful impact of a personal “ask” and personal thank-you note. When I took responsibility for the Bishop’s Appeal in the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, 34 clergy had made gifts the year before. We made three changes in our approach. First, I wrote a personal note to ask every clergy in our dioceses for their giving, then followed up with another note if necessary. Second, I wrote a personal note to each of them thanking them for their gifts, and citing how they were making a difference of how their gift was helping to change the world. Third, we listed all givers to the Bishop’s Appeal in our convention booklet, both clergy and laity, so they would be publicly thanked. We went from 34 clergy givers to 207 over the period of seven years. I attribute this increase not to a better brochure but a better personal relationship, request, and thank you.

excerpt from the book "One-Minute Stewardship: Creative Ways to Talk about Money in Church" by Charles Cloughen Jr., Episcopal priest for churches in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Texas, and Maryland.

First published on Leading Ideas website.

United Methodist Church Giving is about people working together to accomplish something bigger than themselves. In so doing, we effect change around the world, all in the name of Jesus Christ. To read stories about the generosity of United Methodists click here.

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