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Facebook's new streaming policy

Facebook has added two new policies that can present some additional challenges for those seeking to live stream content. Photo courtesy of Unsplash.
Facebook has added two new policies that can present some additional challenges for those seeking to live stream content. Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

By now, you may have read about or already felt the effects of Facebook’s two new livestream policies that were added on June 10.

  1. Facebook accounts intended for livestreaming must have been created at least 60 days prior.
  2. Pages intending to use the live-streaming feature must have at least 100 followers. This applies to both profiles using professional mode and page streaming.

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We understand that these changes will affect many new and smaller churches. Unfortunately, there isn’t much to be done about the 60-day wait period new pages must endure. However, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains a vital platform for churches looking to expand their reach and engagement. Growing your church's follower count on Facebook can enhance community connection and outreach. 

Here are several strategies to help churches, regardless of their age or size, achieve this goal:

1. Post consistently and authentically

Regular and authentic content is crucial. Consistent posting keeps your church visible to followers and potential followers. Share a mix of content, including inspirational messages, event updates, community stories and livestreams of services. Authenticity in your posts helps build trust and a genuine connection with your audience. Get free social media graphics here!

2. Engage with your audience

Engagement is critical to building a loyal follower base. Respond promptly to comments and messages, and encourage conversations by asking questions or prompting discussions. While you may not be able to host Facebook Live sessions just yet, you can post videos that open the door to digital discipleship

3. Leverage visual content

Visual content such as photos and videos tends to receive higher engagement on Facebook. Share high-quality images from church events, behind-the-scenes glimpses and short video clips of sermons or community activities. Visual storytelling can captivate your audience and make your posts more shareable. Refrain from assuming your images must be professional quality, as candid photos from events and groups will work well. 

4. Promote events and programs

Use Facebook to promote upcoming events and programs. Create event pages and invite followers to join. Share details, updates and highlights from past events to generate excitement and encourage participation. Offering virtual attendance options can also attract a broader audience. Seasonal and holiday events provide a great opportunity for content. Also, don’t assume everyone will see a single post, you’ll need to be repetitive. 

5. Utilize Facebook Ads

Investing in Facebook Ads can effectively reach new followers. Target ads to specific demographics and interests relevant to your church’s mission and community. Even a small budget can significantly increase your visibility and attract new followers.

6. Collaborate with influencers and partner organizations

Partnering with local influencers or organizations can expand your reach. Collaborate on content, share each other's posts and participate in joint events. These partnerships may introduce your church to new audiences interested in following your page.

7. Encourage congregation involvement

Encourage your congregation to follow and engage with your church’s Facebook page. Ask them to share posts, leave reviews, and invite friends to like the page. The more your congregation participates, the wider your reach will be.

8. Share user-generated content

Highlighting content created by your followers can boost engagement and attract new followers. Share testimonials, photos and stories from congregation members. This strategy provides fresh content and makes your followers feel valued and involved.

9. Optimize your page

Ensure your Facebook page is fully optimized. Use a recognizable profile picture, such as your church logo, and a cover photo that reflects your church’s identity. Fill out the “About” section with relevant information, including service times, contact details and a link to your website.

10. Analyze and adjust

Analyze your page's performance regularly using Facebook Insights. Track metrics such as post reach, engagement and follower growth. Use this data to adjust your strategy, focusing on what resonates most with your audience.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively grow your Facebook follower count for the new guidelines while enhancing your online presence to foster a stronger, more connected community.

If you find you need additional help with your church’s social media, learn more about United Methodist Communications’ Local Church Marketing Services here. 

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