'Radicle Methodism: Back to our Roots' launches today

Radicle Methodism is a free online course from the  General Commission on Archives and History that examines the beginnings of Methodism to our present time.
Radicle Methodism is a free online course from the General Commission on Archives and History that examines the beginnings of Methodism to our present time.

Jan. 31, 2024

'Radicle Methodism: Back to our Roots' Launches Today
In-Depth Online History Course Available for Free

Madison, N.J. -- “Radicle Methodism: Back to our Roots,” a four-part, in-depth history course is now available at no charge to individual United Methodists, local congregations, annual conferences and anyone interested in examining Methodism from the earliest days to the present.

“First, the word ‘radicle’ in the course title is not a typo, but rather a word referring to the foundational part of the plant,” explains Dr. Ashley Boggan D., General Commission on Archives and History general secretary and course developer. “In the four modules, we take a look at the denomination’s heritage that is rooted in John Wesley, journeying across centuries to follow the radicle of Methodism as it spread and its leaves and branches emerged.”

The resource materials, including videos, discussion questions, suggested readings, a leader guide and more, may be used for study by lifelong United Methodists, new members, confirmation classes, Sunday Schools and small groups. The Rev. Chris Heckert, senior pastor at Haddonfield United Methodist Church, joins Boggan as a co-presenter of the course. You may preview “Radicle Methodism” in the introduction video

The UMC is at a crucial turning point,” Boggan observes. “The goal of this course is to remind everyone what it means to be Wesleyan, to be Methodist, and to be United Methodist and how we move forward as a connected people.”

To access the modules and other materials, register for free at UM History Hub.


About General Commission on Archives and History
The General Commission on Archives and History (GCAH), organized in 1968, is one of the general agencies of The United Methodist Church, with offices located in the Archives & History Center. GCAH offers assistance to local churches and Annual Conferences through publications, workshops, research services, and other programs. The Commission maintains relationships with the five Jurisdictional Commissions on Archives and History, the Central Conferences, the World Methodist Historical Society, the World Methodist Council, and the Charles Wesley Society.

Media contact:
Crystal Caviness
GCAH office: 973-408-3189
mobile: 615-306-3401

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