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Telling their stories: Women's history in the local church

Matron Fitzgerald poses with children of Morgan Memorial Church. Located in the South End district of Boston, Morgan Memorial was also known as the Church of All Nations because of the various ethnic groups and religions that it reached through its mission program. One of its most famous missions was an  industrial cooperative called Goodwill Industries, incorporated in 1905. Image courtesy of Archives and History.
Matron Fitzgerald poses with children of Morgan Memorial Church. Located in the South End district of Boston, Morgan Memorial was also known as the Church of All Nations because of the various ethnic groups and religions that it reached through its mission program. One of its most famous missions was an industrial cooperative called Goodwill Industries, incorporated in 1905. Image courtesy of Archives and History.

This resource packet is designed to help you recover and celebrate the history of women in your church. The contents include suggestions for programs, special events, and research projects. There are also several items with basic historical information to make your work a little easier.  

There are times when a women's history project is especially appropriate. Your church's centennial or other important anniversaries will provide many opportunities to focus on women's history in the church.  Heritage Sunday is observed in The United Methodist Church on Aldersgate Day (May 24) or the Sunday immediately preceding that date. The General Commission on Archives and History develops resources for each year's theme which can be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Commission. Women's History Month is celebrate nationwide every March.  Contact the National Women's History Project, 7738 Bell Road, Windsor, CA 95492 or www.nwhp.org for resources.

There are agencies in your annual conference or district that will welcome and support a women's history project.  In particular, work with your annual conference Commission on Archives and History whenever possible.  The General Commission on Archives and History is also available to work with you on any questions or concerns.  Our address is P.O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940; E-mail: gcah@gcah.org.

✥    Where Do I Begin?  Recovering Women's History in the Local Church
✥    Who Can Help Me?  Historical Agencies Beyond the Church
✥    How Shall We Celebrate? Ideas for Special Programs and Projects
✥    What Was It Like?  Telling Women's Stories Through Oral History
✥    Should We Do A Display?  Ideas for Women's History Exhibits
✥    What Makes a Good Exhibit?  Display Techniques
✥    In Their Own Words
✥    Recommended Books on the History of Women in United Methodism
✥    Organized for Mission: Women's Organizations in the United Methodist Denominations
✥    The United Methodist Church and Its Predecessors
✥    Women's History Timeline

Download all resources

General Commission on Archives and History
The United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940
© 1991, 1995, 1999, 2014


Article first published by the General Commission on Archives and History. 

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