Memorandum Number 891


May 11, 2000

Petition from the 2000 General Conference Regarding the Constitutionality of Petition #30958-FA-823-D Adopted on May 11, 2000 ,Which Provides that the Salary of a Newly-Elected Bishop Begins at the Time of Consecration as a Bishop.


Petition #30958-FA-823-D adopted by the General Conference on May 11, 2000, is constitutional as it follows the direction of Article IV of the Constitution, Par. 15 of the 1996 Discipline, that the General Conference adopt a plan for the support of the bishops of the church.

Statement of Facts

On May 11, 2000, a delegate from the North Georgia Annual Conference moved that Petition #30958-FA-823-D be referred to the Judicial Council to determine whether it is constitutional. The Judicial Council has jurisdiction under Par. 2609 of the 1996 Discipline.

The question of when the salary of a bishop begins has been before the Judicial Council previously. In Decision 781 the Judicial Council stated:

...As set forth in the 1992 Discipline Par. 923, bishops are paid from the Episcopal Fund, and the General Council on Finance and Administration recommends to the General Conference the budget for the Episcopal Fund. In adopting the recommendation of the General Council on Finance and Administration, the General Conference makes "plans for their support" as required by Pars. 15 and 25. It is clearly the responsibility of the General Conference to make these plans....

Decision 781 was made pursuant to the 1992 Discipline. There were no changes in the relevant paragraphs in the 1996 Discipline to negate Decision 781. It remains the responsibility of the General Council on Finance and Administration to recommend the budget for the Episcopal Fund. Further, it remains the responsibility of the General Conference to adopt a plan for the support of bishops.

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