Memorandum Number 840
Request From the East Ohio Annual Conference for a Declaratory Decision on the Constitutionality of the Racial Harassment Policy Adopted by the Conference
The Racial Harassment Policy adopted by the East Ohio Annual Conference is constitutional.
Statement of Facts
The East Ohio Annual Conference on June 16, 1998 adopted a Racial Harassment Policy. A motion was made to petition the Judicial Council for a declaratory decision concerning the Racial Harassment Policy. The Judicial Council has jurisdiction under ¶ 2616. The council has reviewed the policy. The Policy on Racial Harassment and procedures for reporting and responding to complaints does not conflict with the Discipline. As we have noted in Decision 736, definitions included in policy statements which are not provided for in the Discipline, confuse matters rather than clarify them. With that notation, the Judicial Council upholds the action of the Annual Conference in adopting the Racial Harassment Policy.