Decision Number 1247


October 25, 2013

Review of the Conference Plan of Structure of the South Carolina Annual Conference in Light of Judicial Council Decisions 1204 and 1222


The South Carolina Annual Conference's new Plan of Structure, as amended in 2013, is in compliance with Decisions 1147, 1204, and 1222.

Statement of Facts

The South Carolina Annual Conference adopted on June 8, 2011, a Transition Plan for its Revised Structure. On a request for declaratory decision, the Judicial Council in Decision 1204 (October 2011) found defects in the Plan and remanded it to the Annual Conference to comply with the 2008 Discipline ¶ 610 on program structure, ¶ 614.3 on benevolences budget, and Decision 1147 on creation of new annual conference structure. In Decision 1222 (October 2012), the Judicial Council found partial compliance with Decision 1204. The matter was remanded anew to the Annual Conference to follow fully ¶ 614.3 on line item budget of Commission on Archives and History for benevolences and ¶ 633.3 on membership of the Secretary of Global Ministries in the Annual Conference Board of Global Ministries. We have now the Conference Report to the Judicial Council, supported by the minutes of its 2013 Annual Conference, amending Rule 48 of its Committee on Standing Rules to include (1) a line item budget for conference benevolences in the budget of Commission on Archives and History and (2) the Conference Secretary of Global Ministries as member of the Conference Board of Global Ministries. The report of the Council on Finance and Administration relative to the budget item was also approved. Both approvals are certified by the Secretary of the Annual Conference.


The Judicial Council has continuing jurisdiction under ¶2610 of the 2008 Discipline.

Analysis and Rationale

The 2013 Session of the South Carolina Annual Conference approving twin amendments to its Rule 48 has followed in full the instructions in our Decision 1222. We commend such full compliance and faithfulness in meeting the disciplinary requisites for its new conference structure.


The South Carolina Annual Conference's new Plan of Structure, as amended in 2013, is in compliance with the 2008 Discipline and Judicial Council Decisions 1147, 1204, and 1222. Dennis Blackwell was absent. Timothy K. Bruster, first clergy alternate, participated in this decision.

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