130 |
Request from the Council of Bishops of a Declaratory Decision on a question raised in a letter from Mr. C. E. Hines of Worthington |
May 02, 1956 |
Decision |
129 |
Whether or Not a Minister in a Sister Church Can Be Given the Privileges of the Floor, Including the Right to Vote, by An Annual Conference of The Methodist Church |
May 02, 1956 |
Decision |
128 |
Whether the Liberia Annual Conference May Be Made a Part of the Central Jurisdiction |
April 30, 1956 |
Decision |
127 |
The Election of Missionary Bishops |
April 29, 1956 |
Decision |
126 |
Request of the General Conference Commis- sion on the Structure of Methodism Overseas for a Declaratory Decision on the Question, "May a Central Conference Bishop Pre- side Over the General Conference?" |
April 26, 1956 |
Decision |
125 |
Ruling by Bishop Matthew W. Clair, Jr., on Paragraph 522 of the 1952 Discipline Re Election of Delegates to General Jurisdictional Conferences |
April 25, 1956 |
Decision |
124 |
Ruling of Bishop Jose L. Valencia in the Ses- sion of the Philippines Annual Conference on the Election of Lay Delegates to the Philip- pines Central Conference |
April 25, 1956 |
Decision |
123 |
Ruling of Bishop Frederick B. Newell in the New York East Conference Regarding the Right of a Board of An Annual Conference to Present a Report Referring to Per- sons or Organizations in a Deroga- tory Manner Without Their Having Prior Notice |
April 25, 1956 |
Decision |
122 |
The Request of the Virginia Annual Con- ference for a Declaratory Decision Concerning the Required Appointment of a Preacher on Trial in Paragraph 341 of the 1952 Discipline |
July 29, 1955 |
Decision |
121 |
Request of the Northwest Philippines An- nual Conference for a Declaratory Decision Concerning Its Right or Power to Ordain a Woman as Local Deacon |
July 29, 1955 |
Decision |
120 |
Validity of the Election of Fred B. Noble, Member of the Judicial Council as a Delegate to the 1956 Jurisdictional Conference of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The Methodist Church |
July 29, 1955 |
Decision |
119 |
Whether the Proceeds of the Sale of Grace Methodist Church of Portland, Oregon, Should Be Turned Over to the Conference Claim- ants' Endowment Fund, or to the Port- land District of the Oregon Annual Conference |
July 28, 1955 |
Decision |