Ministry tracks

within the United Methodist Church
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In a world full of brokenness and injustice, the people of the United Methodist Church
believe that everyone has a role to create a better world.
(¶126, Book of Discipline)

Service Opportunities with the UMC

We believe God is already at work in everyone to make us complete, to seek justice and to be drawn into love (¶133). 

Through the acts of Baptism and life-long discipleship, we accept the divine invitation to love our neighbors as ourselves. When we do our baptismal vows, we are committed to be present, offer up our skills, our talents and be a witness for love and service everywhere we are (¶129).

But accepting our call to love and service has additional implications and a learning curve. In the church, we call this learning process “leadership development.” The United Methodist Church offers many learning and credentialing paths for those who want to pursue this ministry of servitude in the world, whether that is as a clergy person or not. Trying to figure out what we are called to do in life or discerning our call means participating in sacred work.

Whether that is at a personal level, a community level or a professional role within the United Methodist Church, we believe every single person has a calling and that every calling has a place. Not just “anywhere” but always a specific “somewhere,” each with its own challenging histories, promising experiences of grace and hope for a better future.

We encourage you to take a minute to look around. Where do you see the brokenness and injustices in your community? How can God use you to bring healing? 

We encourage you to browse through this page to explore the different ministry opportunities within The United Methodist Church. You can also download the previous video for your use.

Laity Ministry

Ministry is the expression of the mind and mission of Christ by a community that demonstrates a life of gratitude and devotion, witness and service, discipleship and celebration (¶126). We understand that not everyone is called to be a clergy person but we believe everyone has a role in building a better world. Laity, or non clergy leaders of the church are called to be disciples who fulfill the Great Commission through acts of service that heal and liberate a broken world. This response is our ministry. 


Clergy Ministry

The ministries of clergy and laity are complementary and interdependent. Clergy in the United Methodist Church are individuals who serve as deacons, elders and local pastors. In these different capacities, clergy help form Christian disciples in covenant community through spiritual formation and guidance for the work of the Holy Spirit that leads to truth, which liberates, and love, which reconciles. If you are feeling called to serve in a clergy capacity with the United Methodist Church, we invite you to explore your vocation.
In Partnership:
DiscipleshipMinistries Logo
Global Ministries
Higher Education and Ministry Logo
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