Branding and Logo Services

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Branding service lets churches add their information to official United Methodist logo and Cross and Flame templates. Photo by Kathleen Barry, United Methodist Communications.

Your logo is your face to the community.

Let us develop a logo for your church that is versatile, distinct and immediately recognizable throughout your community. We will provide a logo package for use on printed materials such as bulletins and T-shirts as well as online for your social media channels and website.

A updated logo can make a real difference for your church or ministry, and United Methodist Communications provides branding and logo development services. We offer fully customized logo packages as well as United Methodist branded (Cross and Flame) logo packages. There are options to fit the needs of every local United Methodist church.

Simply put, we will develop a logo for your use everywhere, both in print and online. Our hope is that you will place your new logo on your church's website, Sunday bulletins, signage, promotional items (T-shirts, coffee mugs, etc.) and more.

Why do we feel so strongly about this, and why does the logo matter so much?

  • Your logo is your face to the community, representing everything your church or ministry stands for.
  • Your logo plays a large role in supporting your church. With an updated logo, you gain a memorable visual identity that is versatile, distinct and immediately recognizable throughout your community. 

The final product you receive from United Methodist Communications will include high-resolution logos in full color, all-white and all-black versions.

If your church is interested, we’re here and ready to help.

Learn more about the options available in our Branding & Logo Development Package Guide.

Apply Here

Note: Be sure to let us know you are looking for a new logo in your application.

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