Communications agency seeks ethnic panel volunteers

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United Methodist Communications
Office of Public Information

For Immediate Release
January 25, 2022

Communications agency seeks ethnic panel volunteers

Nashville, Tennessee – United Methodist Communications, the denomination’s global communication agency, is seeking people in leadership roles within local United Methodist churches to participate in upcoming ethnic leader panel discussions. Interested parties may volunteer for the agency’s Latino leader and/or Black leader panels. Panelists will be invited to take part in online surveys and focus groups throughout the year. The agency is working on the formation of additional panels and opportunities for others to lend their voice to future discussions.

“We are looking for Latino and Black leaders who are actively trying to grow the ethnic community in their congregations via communication or marketing activities,” noted Teresa Faust, Research Manager for United Methodist Communications.

The panels provide an opportunity to share experiences, build relationships and grow The United Methodist Church. Past panel feedback has led to the creation of culturally relevant resources, videos, content and special promotions.

“My experience with the ‘ethnic leader engagement panel’ has been a privilege to continue to represent a voice in the wilderness for my ‘pueblo’ in the UMC. It serves as a beautiful reminder that God is at work across the denomination, no matter what language or people group we may be serving,” shared Pastor Emma Vega Leyva, serving Montclair First United Methodist Church, Arbol de Vida, a bilingual ministry in Montclair, California.

“During our time of dialogue with the ethnic leader engagement panel, we shared our rich experiences as people of color while also highlighting the various ways The United Methodist Church can be a more inclusive space for marginalized individuals. I look forward to the continuation of this powerful conversation on race and inclusivity,” said the Rev. William D. Carter, III, M.Div., Senior Pastor at Pemberton United Methodist Church in New Jersey.

United Methodist Communications strives to understand common challenges experienced across ethnic churches. The information sourced through its collaboration with fellow agencies, annual conferences and local churches aids in the development of strategies for church growth.

“Being part of this panel has given me a voice and I know my voice is being heard.  I challenge you to let your voice be heard in your church, community and country,” reflected Rodney Mason, pastor at Wesley United Methodist Church in Georgetown, Kentucky.

Volunteers are encouraged to express their interest via the United Methodist Communications’ Research Team page at

Church leaders interested in finding language resources are encouraged to start by exploring some of the options available through and created for social media from the United Methodist Communications Team. The agency also offers tailored assistance through its Local Church Services Team


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As the communications agency for The United Methodist Church, United Methodist Communications seeks to increase awareness and visibility of the denomination in communities and nations around the globe. United Methodist Communications also offers services, tools, and resources for communications ministry. Discover more about the agency at how to support this communications ministry work at

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Brenda Smotherman
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