GC2016: Advance Edition Daily Christian Advocate

The Advance Daily Christian Advocate (ADCA) contains the agenda, rules, delegate listings, petitions, reports from the general agencies/commissions and study committees, information for delegates, and codes of conduct for the General Conference

The Daily Christian Advocate (DCA) is produced daily during the General Conference session, and contains news and features as well as the verbatim transcript of the conference proceedings and calendar items.

The official written languages of the General Conference for publication of the Advance edition include English, French, Kiswahili and Portuguese. Bound printed volumes of the ADCA may be purchased from Cokesbury. These PDF versions are provided for your convenience.

English Edition

French Edition

Portuguese Edition

Kiswahili Edition

Alphabetical List of Voting Delegates and First Reserves

A new set of Delegate Lists is available (ADCA pages 105-175), which contains the correct order of election for Reserve delegates and several other corrections that have been brought to our attention. They will also be printed in the first daily edition of the Daily Christian Advocate at General Conference. 

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