General Conference 2004 Resources for Communicators

Journalists/Communicators: for assistance during General Conference, contact the United Methodist News Service News Desk at 412-325-6065 x6080 or

Critical Resources

General Conference Media Guide
Download the definitive guide for journalists covering General Conference. Times, dates, phone numbers, background information -- everything you need to know about reporting on General Conference is covered here. [download the PDF file]

Media Services From UMCom
This resource lists the services that United Methodist Communications will be providing to communicators throughout General Conference; key contact information is also available. (PDF)[download resource]

Media Credentialing and Housing
General Conference plans include a fully staffed newsroom for news media operations, media seating on the main plenary floor, numerous news media briefings from delegates who will be making news and a special Web site for General Conference news. [learn how to obtain credentials and housing]

Steps For Communicators to Take Now
The Communications Resourcing Team (CRT) has develop this resource pointing out steps that communicators planning to attend General Conference ought to take now in preparation. (PDF)[download resource]

General Conference Guide 2004 (January 2004)
The United Methodist News Service has developed this guide for communicators and first-elected delegates at Pre-General Conference News Briefing. (PDF) [download document]

General Conference Parking Information
Availability and cost of public parking around the Convention Center. [more]

About General Conference

How General Conference Works
General Conference, which convenes every four years, is the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church. Church law states that no person or organization except the General Conference has authority to speak officially for the denomination. [learn more]

Schedule of Events
Each day of General Conference is scheduled is by the Committee on Agenda. While the details of the daily agenda are usually not set until the day before, the overall structure of General Conference is the same each day. Special events, such as the Laity and Episcopal Address, are scheduled well in advance. 

Delegate Seating Chart
The following document shows where delegates will be seated during General Conference. The chart is arranged by jurisdiction and conference. A map of the plenary hall is available for reference. (PDF)[download seating chart] [download plenary hall map]

Delegate List by Jurisdiction
The names of delegates elected by their annual conferences to General Conference 2004 are now searchable by jurisdictions and central conference.

Legislative Process
Petitions are sent by agencies, conferences, churches, and individuals. The petitions secretary assigns petition numbers. The numbers indicate the legislative committee, the chronological order, and the source. ... [read more]

General Agency Petitions, Proposals and Reports
General Agencies of the United Methodist Church have developed pages on their Web sites to discuss their petitions, proposals and reports to General Conference 2004 in greater detail. [view links]

Proposed Plan of Organization and Rules for The 2004 General Conference
From the days of Wesley, the “People called Methodist” have gathered to ‘conference’. Read how we organize the work of General Conference. The Plan of Organization must be adopted by the delegates as one of the first orders of business.  [read proposed plan (PDF)]

Legislative Committees and Paragraphs of The Book of Discipline Assigned to Each Committee
The following material is excerpted from the most current draft of the Plan of Organization and Rules of the General Conference that will be proposed to the 2004 General Conference by the Committee on Plan of Organization and Rules. It is hoped that this information will be helpful to delegates as they choose their committee assignments for the 2004 General Conference in Pittsburgh. [view draft]

Nature of the Church Discussion Transcripts
View transcripts of the four panelists discussing issues that divide and unite United Methodists during a session on "The Nature of the Church" at the Pre-General Conference News Briefing Jan. 29-31 in Pittsburgh: (PDF) [Courtney Goto] [Don Messer] [Joy Moore] [William Abraham]

Additional Resources

Convention Center Photos
Two high-resolution photos of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, site of General Conference 2004, are now available for download: [download aerial photo] [download night photo].

General Conference Logo*
The following page has been developed to provide United Methodist-related organizations with downloadable versions of the official 2004 General Conference logo.

General Conference 2004 Hospitality Team
The Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference and The Northeastern Jurisdiction welcomes The United Methodist Church to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - providing excellent hospitality in the context of Christian conferencing. [view site (]

General Conference 2000
Review proceedings from the most recent General Conference which was held in Clevelend, OH from May 2-12, 2000. [view site]

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