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Mission Volunteers

Mencias Medical mission
Mencias Medical mission

Learn more about Celinne Mencias mission volunteer experience. 

Your life can be changed by becoming a long-term Mission Volunteer (MV)! The opportunities for individuals or couples (ages 18 and up) are diverse, including such positions as engaging with refugees, children or youth, or serving as teachers, pastors, camp directors or in health care. The length of service is a minimum of two months and can extend to two years or more

MV are people of faith and with local and/or international mission experience. The expected path to become a MV includes:

  • Completion of online application
  • Follow-up virtual interview
  • Attend 3-day training
  • Expenses: $200 Registration (housing/meals) and travel expenses to training
  • Preparation includes reading two books and the MV Handbook

Mission Volunteer Opportunities, Listed by Region:

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Join an UMVIM Team


Young Adults


Originally published by the General Board of Global Ministries.

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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