Tell us how you serve

Do you serve on a church committee or council? Maybe you volunteer in the church office a few days a week. Maybe you lead a Sunday class or help out with children and youth ministry. Whatever way you serve your congregation, United Methodist Communications (UMCOM) wants to help.

Every year UMCOM offers training, grants, free materials and other services to help church leaders in their day-to-day ministries. UMCOM tailors its communications to reach the people who will benefit the most from these opportunities. You can help them do this by updating your church job role online today. When you fill out this form, it will help UMCOM know what resources and services will be most beneficial to you. Just for updating your information, you’ll get a complimentary registration for the Digital Media for Ministry online training course. We respect your privacy. We promise to never share or sell your information to any third party, and you can choose to unsubscribe at any time.

It only takes a minute. Just follow this simple four step-process online.

  1. Enter your zip code in the search box and click "Search"
  2. Select your church name
  3. Select the job role that best describes your leadership position
  4. Add your contact information and click "Update Job Role"


Tell us how you serve

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