Starter Questions for Episcopal Discernment

In the second issue of our e-newsletter Wisdom Talks, we asked your help to develop questions for jurisdictional delegates who will be meeting with episcopal candidates and discerning their leadership within The United Methodist Church as bishops.

Bishops are the pastoral and administrative leaders for the global denomination. Your jurisdiction may be electing new bishops later this year. Based on your responses, we have developed a few “starter” questions to ask each episcopal candidate that meets with your conference delegation or episcopal discernment committee.

Note: These questions are provided by The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women of The United Methodist Church. GCSRW advocates for the full inclusion and participation of women at all levels of the life and mission of the church through four areas of work: Monitoring, Leadership, Education and Sexual Ethics.

Please feel free to customize these questions or add your own as you interview candidates in your conference delegation meetings. Download questions

Download: PDF format

GCSRW does NOT endorse or promote specific candidates for the episcopacy. We exist to help the denomination confront and eradicate sexism and other forms of bias form its structures. We believe that asking the right justice questions will help every delegate make good decisions about our leaders.

If you have any questions or comments regarding these starter questions, please let us know by sending us an email at and be sure to check back to this page for a final version of these questions.

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