Resources for Clergy & Their Families

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UMC Parental Leave

GCSRW recommends more robust parental leave policies to provide clarity, consistency and close up loopholes in the minimums set by the Book of Discipline.

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13 Factors That Influence Clergy Health

A short workbook to identify areas of potential stress or support in a clergy person’s life. This powerful resources can help clergy and lay leaders identify new strategies for strengthening clergy leadership and churches.

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What Clergy Spouses Want the UMC to Know

A report from the General Agency study “Clergy Spouses and Families In The United Methodist Church 2009: Part II: Local Church Expectations”. A helpful overview of contemporary experiences, stressors and blessings experienced by the spouses of UMC Clergy.

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Clergy Health Survey Report

Wespath Benefits and Investments conducts a survey of the UMC active U.S. clergy to provide comparative data for clergy health research. This research is intended to help the denomination learn more about the health and well-being of its clergy.

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Tools for a Better Well-Being

Tools for a Better Well-Being

The Tools for a Better Well-Being Webinar Series is an inter-agency collaboration between Wespath and the GCSRW to provide church leaders tools to improve well-being and enhance vitality for mission and ministry.

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GCSRW Video Resources

Access a variety of video and trainings through the GCSRW YouTube channel.

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Wespath Health and Well-Being

Invest in your health, protect your family and live well with programs and resources from Wespath.

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Clergy Housing Handbook

Clergy Parsonage Standards Handbook

This handbook, developed by GCSRW, contains suggested guidelines for church-owned clergy housing to assist local staff-parish relations committees and boards of Trustees.

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