Welcome to ResourceUMC, your online destination for United Methodist Church leaders. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or practical information, this site is your go-to resource. Check back often for fresh ideas and insights to empower your leadership across our connection.
"Solidarity with the Sojourner," a webinar co-hosted by multiple denominational agencies and entities, invites United Methodists to a conversation about U.S. immigrant justice and the church's call to respond.
Your gift to an UMCOR project or grant makes God’s love tangible to survivors of all kinds—be it war or conflict, hurricane, famine, earthquake or flood.
The Monthly Ministry Planner provides input, tools, and tips for creating your ministry activities every month.
Keep up with the latest leader resources with ResourceUMC's newsletter, The Source.
UM Agencies
Agencies provide resources and services that equip local congregations and provide a connection for ministry throughout the world. These organizations can be found at all levels of the connection (churchwide, regional and local).
YOU impact communities
United Methodists observe Human Relations Day to raise awareness and work toward creating a world where everyone is cared for and free from poverty, hunger and hate.
A special offering is collected on the Sunday before Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. These gifts help bring King’s vision of “the beloved community” to life through initiatives like Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Services and Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs.
Your generosity stirs hope in building a beloved community.
Racial Justice
How can white congregations observe Black History Month? GCORR has recommended practices for congregations, as well as pitfalls to avoid all compiled by church leaders.
Learn Moredisaster response
UMCOR offers resources for local churches and conferences in response to the California wildfires, including: bulletin insert, a litany and giving options.
Learn moreBeUMC
Watch this video to be reminded of why you chose to #BeUMC and to see how you are a vital part of The United Methodist Church’s continuing mission and ministry around the world.
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