Get inspired by others

Explore these videos, social media posts and written statements from fellow United Methodists who are proclaiming what they love about The United Methodist Church.

These thoughts, sentiments and reflections can help you think of how you’d answer the question, “Why am I United Methodist?”

The hope is that as many United Methodists as possible will share their personal experiences, values, hopes and heritage— illustrations of why they continue to #BeUMC

Your story is important. Tell it by creating a post on your preferred social media platform and including the #BeUMC hashtag. Consider sharing: 

  • A video of your mission team serving your community
  • Photos of your church's hospitality to your neighbors
  • A written testimony of how God is transforming you

Be sure to check out the social media ideas page for further inspiration, tools, tips and how-to resources.

Bishop Kenneth H. Carter, president of the Council of Bishops, discusses the strained United Methodist connection in his presidential address at the bishops’ fall 2019 meeting in Lake Junaluska, N.C. He urged adopting a posture of convicted humility. Photo by Heather Hahn, UM News.

Bishop Ken Carter of the Florida and Western North Carolina Conferences of The United Methodist Church, shares why he loves to #BeUMC.

The Confirmation Class from First UMC in Arlington, TX, shares why they choose to #BeUMC.

Youth from First United Methodist Church in Arlington, TX, share some characteristics that make them proud to be United Methodist.

For the Rev. Kevin Tully of the Central Texas Conference, the United Methodist practice of welcoming all to the communion table is one of the symbols at the heart of United Methodism: a broad acceptance of all who turn to Christ. #BeUMC. Screenshot from video.

For the Rev. Kevin Tully of the Central Texas Conference, the United Methodist practice of welcoming all to the communion table is one of the symbols at the heart of United Methodism: a broad acceptance of all who turn to Christ. #BeUMC

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