2012 State of the Church Report

The Rev. Carol Cavin-Dillon (center) prays  for a sixth grader who has just confirmed his  faith at Christ United Methodist Church in  Franklin, Tenn. Photo by Kathleen Barry/UMNS.
The Rev. Carol Cavin-Dillon (center) prays for a sixth grader who has just confirmed his faith at Christ United Methodist Church in Franklin, Tenn. Photo by Kathleen Barry/UMNS.

Vital Congregations: Responding to the call for more vital congregations in The United Methodist Church

For the next ten years, United Methodists will seek to fulfill the adaptive challenge of increasing the number of vital congregations around the world. This will include sharing information and building resources to equip congregations and conferences with tools to increase, measure and sustain vitality. The 2012 State of the Church Report created by the Connectional Table, the Council of Bishops and the General Council on Finance and Administration focuses not only on traditional statistics of our church, but also highlights ways in which our denomination is moving to create vital congregations.

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