Postponed 2020 General Conference online press kit
Resources and information to assist media in covering the postponed 2020 General Conference of The United Methodist Church.
An important media note on General Conference and The United Methodist Church:
When it comes to The United Methodist Church, there isn’t an official spokesperson that can speak on behalf of the UMC. Only the General Conference can speak for the church, and how it speaks is through the legislation passed and its documents.
Though not official speakers on behalf of the church, topical experts are available to speak to specific topics for your reporting needs.
Media interview / information requests:
Please contact United Methodist Communications' Public Information team for all media requests in connection to General Conference and The United Methodist Church.
Main media contact:
Brenda Smotherman
Associate Public Relations Director
Press Room / Newsroom schedule:
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily (4/22 - 5/3)
News briefing: 8:15 a.m. daily
Press Conference / Q&A session schedule
View General Conference livestream
Read General Conference press releases
Meet the President of the Council of Bishops

New President of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church
(Symbolic passing of the gavel on 4/20, official start date 4/30/24)
Resident bishop for the East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church
She is the first Black woman elected to the position and leads more than 150 bishops in the global denomination.
Helpful resources

Video footage is available for your use as downloadable files via Dropbox:
- B-roll: Scenes from the plenary floor
- Singing "A Child of God," by Mark Miller, during a May 1 celebration on the plenary floor
- Vote on May 1 Consent Calendar
United Methodist News photography is available for your reporting needs with proper crediting via their Flickr page.
Photography tips for capturing General Conference and being mindful of restirctions.
Photo passes and photography location info
A limited number of photo passes may be checked out at the press room entrance for 15-minute periods (passes may not be checked out for consecutive time blocks).
No registered media photographers may enter the floor of the session (within the blue draping). Photos must be taken from the perimeter of the delegates seating area (back, sides and front if you keep low out of eyeline). Only conference staff photographers can access the entire floor, and these photos will be made available via the UM News Flickr page.
Staff photographers can attempt to capture specific moments/images upon request. Please email presscenter@umcom.org as soon as possible with specifics.
Important notice about video needs
According to the rules of the General Conference, “no electronic recording by either video or audio may be made of any portion of the General Conference unless specifically authorized by the Business Manager of the General Conference in order to maintain the integrity of all performance licenses.”
Please email presscenter@umcom.org as soon as possible with your specific requests so that permissions can be pursued.
General Conference logo options
Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority offers high resolution photography of several locations of interest within Charlotte, NC. Access requests should be directed to them at the link below.

Get updates on the happenings of General Conference, including news on legislation.
Legislative explainer recap
Key Outcomes of the Historic 2024 (postponed 2020) General Conference: Full wrap-up video
May 3
Press conference video: GC2020 Press Conference: Final Statements from Bishop Tracy Smith Malone and the Rev. Gary Graves
May 2
Wrap-up: Delegates declare homosexuality no longer ‘incompatible’
Press conference video: General Commission on Archives and History: Historical Decision for LGBTQ+ Inclusion
Press conference video: New Revised Social Principles passed
Press conference video: Lifting of LGBTQ ban
May 1
Wrap-up: Gay clergy ban lifted, new retirement plan approved
Press conference video: General Commission on Archives and History: Heritage Landmarks and a new American Methodist Pilgrimage
April 30
Wrap-up: Some LGBTQ bans lifted, Episcopal communion approved
Press conference video: New Revised Social Principles - first round of approvals discussed
April 29
Wrap up: African bishops added; prayers after Charlotte shooting
Press conference video: United Methodist Stories - an oral history app
Press conference video: General Commission on the Status and Role of Women GC Update
April 27
Wrap-up: First revised Social Principles pass, committee work ends
April 26
Wrap-up: Bishop urges delegates to follow God’s lead
April 25
Wrap-up: Regionalization gets go-ahead, Eurasia leaves
Press conference video: Regionalization – early proposals passed / full video or highlight reel
April 24
Wrap-up: Legislative committee work begins
Press conference video: Church budget update from GCFA
April 23

Daily Christian Advocate
The United Methodist Publishing House offers the conference legislation, reports and daily conference proceedings online in English, French, Portuguese and Kiswahili. Delegates will receive complimentary access to the website, while others - including media - may subscribe to the site.
Advance Daily Christian Advocate
The new, valid petitions, reports and updated Delegate Handbook information for the General Conference has been published in a printed 2024 Supplement to the ADCA available in English, French, Portuguese, and Kiswahili.
Book of Discipline and Book of Resolutions (2016 editions)
Free online editions of both are available from Cokesbury, the retail arm of the United Methodist Publishing House.
Book of Discipline: A fundamental book outlining the law, doctrine, administration, organizational work and procedures of The United Methodist Church. Each General Conference amends The Book of Discipline, and the actions of the General Conference are reflected in the quadrennial revision. Often referred to as The Discipline.
Book of Resolutions: The volume containing the text of all resolutions or pronouncements on issues approved by the General Conference and currently valid. The Book of Resolutions contains not only the resolutions and policy statements passed by the most recent General Conference, but also all such statements still considered to represent the position of The United Methodist Church. The text of any resolution is considered the official position of the denomination on that subject.
topical Resources

Revised Social Principles proposed changes
The proposed Revised Social Principles reflects the United Methodist response to today’s most pressing social issues and is pending adoption at General Conference. Resources such as summaries and FAQs are available from the General Board of Church and Society.
Learn More & See proposed changes
What is Regionalization?
Explore the ways that regionalization already exists for central conferences and the opportunities it gives them, as well as the implications of enabling a greater degree of regionalization for United Methodists in the U.S.
One sheet resource
Disaffiliation petitions
Eight additional proposals were submitted after the original September 2019 deadline relating to disaffiliation of annual conferences, central conferences and local churches.
GCFA church closure by reason report - March 16, 2024
Financial Trends and Budget
The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) offers educational videos and report about pressing financial and legal issues facing the denomination.
Data-Driven budget discernment
The proposed budget for 2025-2028 represents the largest cuts for nearly all areas of ministry in the history of The United Methodist Church. Ask the UMC explains what this means for the continuing denomination.
Wespath Benefits and Investments is assuring long-term stability and affordability of benefits for those who serve.
Clergy Formation
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry wants to improve access for local pastors, and the Alabama-West Florida Conference wants to center the process of clergy formation in each annual conference.
Mission work, relief work and church revitalization
Higher Education & Ministry petitions
Discipleship efforts
Discipleship Ministries proposals
Church history preservation
Archives and History proposal summary

United Methodist News reporter Heather Hahn offers a recap on the homosexuality debate, as featured in the delegate orientation event.
Racial and Ability proposals
The General Commission on Race & Religion summitted proposals regarding racial justice, disability, mental health, etc.
Dismantling Racism
Women's Issues
United Women in Faith and The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women proposed legislative initiatives.
Leadership, Ethics and Equity proposals
Family matters
Christian-Jewish relations
Racial Ethnic ministries within The UMC
Asian-American language ministry
Korean Ministry Plan
National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry
Native American Comprehensive Plan
Pacific Islander Ministry plans
Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century
New church plants and movements
Lighthouse Churches
A lighthouse congregation / oasis congregation is a faith community geared specifically to welcome and support loyal United Methodists whose churches have closed or disaffiliated. These congregations live out a deep commitment to hospitality to help displaced United Methodists heal from the pain of losing their church.
Fresh Expressions
Fresh Expressions UM is a distinctly Wesleyan Spirit-led movement of new Christian communities that serve the present age. Informal meetings can range from gatherings at pickleball courts, brew pubs, coffee shops, campgrounds, private homes and on digital platforms.

Agencies commit to net-zero goal
The United Methodist interagency commitment to just and equitable net-zero emissions is the most systematic, comprehensive, global emission reduction effort in the history of The United Methodist Church. This commitment, established in 2021, seeks to ensure that the ministries of the present support the flourishing of God’s creation for the future.
Learn MoreSuggested revisions to protect God's creation
The proposed Revised Social Principles reflect an increased attention to creation care.
Learn MoreChurch & politics
Since the Church’s inception, Methodists have been actively involved in social and political matters in order to build a more peaceful and just world.
The Church works and prays for peace.
The Church works and prays for peace.
Ways to speak about war and peace
War in Ukraine – church assistance and position
United Methodists have been active in sharing the love and hope of Christ in Ukraine.
Israel at war
The Book of Resolutions and leadership offer guidance.

A primer about the UMC's meeting.
This comprehensive guide provides an overview of how the assembly works, a schedule for the conference, background information about The United Methodist Church, and key legislation that will be considered by the delegates of the postponed 2020 General Conference.
English | Français | Português
Schedule: All languages
General Conference: By the numbers
Why is it 2020 in 2024?
Resource for understanding general conference terminology.
Access local resources from the host committee.

The United Methodist Church is a worldwide connection of close to 10 million members in over 100 countries including Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States. United Methodists are people of God who share a common mission and values. The church and its members are called to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We reach out to a hurting world through a dedicated focus on mission and ministry. Our tagline "Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors." embraces who we are and how we seek to put our faith into action.