General Conference Coverage: The postponed 2020 General Conference will be held April 23–May 3.


GC2020: Legislation

Follow the legislative actions of General Conference.
The Daily Christian Advocate contains daily transcripts of the conference proceedings, reports, news stories, and daily summaries of legislative committee actions.


Get daily updates from General Conference, including conference proceedings, reports, news stories, and daily summaries of legislative committee actions.

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For the upcoming General Conference, the United Methodist Publishing House will be offering the conference legislation, reports, and daily conference proceedings online in English, French, Portuguese and Kiswahili.


The United Methodist Publishing House will offer legislation tracking, reports, and daily conference proceedings online in English, French, Portuguese and Kiswahili. Delegates will receive complimentary access to the website, while others may subscribe to the site.

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Delegate Tammy Estep from Virginia bows her head in prayer prior to the start of the Monday April 30 plenary at the 2012 United Methodist General Conference. Photo by Kathleen Barry, UMNS


This section provides a summary of the major issues to be addressed by the postponed 2020 General Conference.

Learn more
The Advance Daily Christian Advocate contains the rules, reports and legislation for the 2020 General Conference.


The newly released Supplemental ADCA (Vol. 3) contains the new, valid petitions and reports for the upcoming General Conference as well as the Delegate Handbook and delegate list. Translations are available in Français, Kiswahili and Português.


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