Peace with Justice Sunday 2020 Pastor and Leader Kit

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Photo by Hasan Almasi on

The 2024 Special Sunday kit provides a full package of ready to use resources to help your church celebrate Peace with Justice Sunday and define how we give, why we give and the impact we make through connectional efforts. The official date for Peace with Justice Sunday is May 26, 2024, but we encourage you to celebrate on a day that works best for your church.

All resources are available in digital format and we encourage you to use them in the best format that works for your church. For suggestions on how to use the material, check out the How to Guide or for those who value a schedule, the planning calendar is the perfect way to consolidate all the opportunities.

For those who appreciate print resources, we have a special envelope and pew cards that can be ordered here or you can call at 1-800-991-6011 to place an order. The resources are free and available for you to promote this ministry.

YOU offer peace!

An offering is taken on this Special Sunday to support programs and ministries to educate, equip and mobilize actions in support of identified Economic, Health, and Gender Justice Priorities. Last year, your generosity delivered $144 thousand to strengthen and foster just, equitable and durable solutions for peaceful efforts worldwide.

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