United Methodist leaders decried war and asked prayers for peace after Russia began an invasion. Meanwhile, churches in Ukraine are opening as shelters.
- Ways United Methodists can talk together about war and peace
- How are United Methodists present in Ukraine?
- Methodists in Romania offer shelter to Ukraine refugees
- Ukrainian pastor and Eurasia bishop reflect on invasion of Ukraine (video) – Minnesota Annual Conference
- Eyewitness to the Russian Invasion: Interview with Ukrainian Scholar Constantin Sigov – Church and Society
- FAQ: The crisis in Ukraine – Global Ministries
- UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery
- Eurasia In Mission Together – Ukraine and Moldova - Advance #14053A
Show your support for the people of Ukraine by using one of these graphics on your social media and online channels.
- Bishop Christian Alsted: “UMC bishops call for peace in Ukraine,” Nordic-Baltic Episcopal Area (February 24, 2022).
- Bishop Eduard Khegay: "The shame of war," Eurasia Episcopal Area (February 24, 2022).
- Bishop Ken Carter: “Bishop Carter Issues a Call for Prayers & Peacemaking,” Western North Carolina and Florida Annual Conferences (February 24, 2022).
- Bishop David A. Bard: “Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Bishop Bard Issues Call for Prayer,” Minnesota Annual Conference (February 25, 2022).
- Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar: “Bishop offers prayer for peace in Ukraine,” New England Annual Conference (February 25, 2022).
- Bishop Laurie Haller: “Pray for Ukraine, Pray for Peace,” Dakotas Annual Conference (February 25, 2022).
- Bishop James Nunn: “Bishop's Call to Prayer for United Methodists,” Northwest Texas Annual Conference (February 28, 2022).
- Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi: "Pray for Peace in Ukraine" Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference (March 1, 2022).
- Bishop Wallace-Padgett: "Prayer for Ukraine" North Alabama Annual Conference (February 26, 2022).
- Bishop Gary Mueller: "Prayers for Ukraine" Arkansas Annual Conference (February 24, 2022).
- Roland Fernandes, general secretary, General Board of Global Ministries: “Appeal for peace in Russia-Ukraine conflict” (February 24, 2022).
- United Methodist Women: “United Methodist Women Condemns Invasion of Ukraine” (February 24, 2022).
- Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe, general secretary, General Board of Church and Society: “Cease the War, Wage Peace” (February 26, 2022).
- Rev. Derek Weber, director of Preaching Ministries, Discipleship Ministries: "Prayers for Ukraine" (February 25, 2022).
- Dave Zellner, chief investment officer, Wespath: "Comment from the CIO: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine" (February 25, 2022).
- General Board of Higher Education and Ministry: "An Open Letter to IAMSCU In Response to the Invasion of Ukraine" (March 7, 2022).
- The Rev. Adam Hamilton, senior pastor, Church of the Resurrection, Leawood, KS: “God grieves for the violence humans inflict on one another” (February 25, 2022).
- World Council of Churches: “Statement on Ukraine” (February 24, 2022).
- National Council of Churches: “NCC Appeals for Peace for the People of Ukraine” (February 24, 2022).
- World Methodist Council: "Ukraine: Christian World Communions condemn assault, call for peace, invite to prayer" (February 24, 2022).