What are our shared values as United Methodists?
The Rev. Adam Hamilton and Elizabeth Crosby identify these key values we hold as United Methodists: openness to diversity of opinion; a belief in prevenient, sanctifying and justifying grace as well as social holiness; an evangelical and social gospel; and Scripture read in the light of reason, experience and tradition.
How do we navigate our dissent and disagreements?
Our path forward involves learning to listen to one another, to seek to understand each other’s perspective, and to do so with an attitude of love, kindness and humility.
What do we need to do differently as a church?
According to the Rev. Adam Hamilton and Elizabeth Crosby, the Church needs to find new ways to live out our mission — to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world — and this will involve a willingness to listen to all voices and perspectives, to meet people where they are, and to embrace change.
What kind of leaders do we need for the future of the United Methodist Church?
The Rev. Adam Hamilton and Elizabeth Crosby believe these leaders must be diverse people who possess humility, moral courage, a love of people, and a love of Jesus.