Donate $51 for our 51st Anniversary ...or more!

In 1972, The United Methodist Church created a Commission on the Status and Role of Women in the denomination. GCSRW was created because of the lack of inclusion of women in positions of power and decision making in The United Methodist Church.

We invite you to continue to help us expand our work of championing women, in the life and mission of the Church while challenging it to continue its work for full inclusion and participation. 

Your gift to the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women will help ensure that the United Methodist Church will not retreat from its commitment of advocacy for women around the world.

We ask that you give generously, in honor of the Commission’s 51th birthday as a legacy to our future work. With your help, we will be able to address the many challenges still facing women in the United Methodist Church.

Just click the Donate button below to donate via PayPal.


Thank you for your support!

View our 51 Reasons to be in Connection with GCSRW here.


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