2023 State of the Church Report

Discerning the Future

At a time of uncertainty and division, United Methodists everywhere are nevertheless gazing toward the future with hope. By looking closely at the places we experience God in our ministries today, we can discern where God is leading us into the future.

The United Methodist Church has faced many new challenges over the past couple years, but we continue to see God at work in our daily lives and in our enduring ministries. Like John Wesley, who said “The best of all is God is with us,” we look to God to guide our witness.

Rather than dwell on recent hardships and divisions, we have set our gaze ahead to the future with faith and hope. This not a time for fear, but for discernment. To discern where God is leading us, we need to set our eyes firmly on the places where God’s love and redeeming grace are most visible in our current ministries.

This discernment will be the work of all of us. We encourage United Methodists everywhere to identify and give thanks for the places where God is most present in their lives and local ministries.

Hover over the images below to view the sections of the report.


United Methodists are using technology to make disciples and connect scattered United Methodists.


The Connectional Table hosted conversations with United Methodists across Africa, Europe, the Philippines and the United States to share their perspectives on what it means to be United Methodist.


In response to fallout from disaffiliation, United Methodists have offered healing resources to help congregations move forward.


United Methodist leaders are bringing proposals to create more equitable and contextual decision-making to the denomination.


The United Methodist Church continues to respond to climate disasters while promoting more just and sustainable living.


Church and Society is submitting revised social principles to General Conference as part of our continued commitment to justice for all God’s children and creation.


As we approach general conference, many leaders hope that the church will become more welcoming and inclusive of persons of all races, ethnicities, languages, sexual orientations, gender identity and abilities.


As the landscape for ministry changes, United Methodists are adopting “fresh expressions” of what it means to be a church in order to reach new people.

Experiencing God

We continue to celebrate ways God has blessed our ministries and the ways lives are being transformed by the work of The UMC every day.

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