UmSexualEthics Resources Training

Resources & Trainings

Liturgy for a Service of Lament, Confession, and Hope

A service to denounce sexual abuse within The United Methodist Church and reclaim hope was held during General Conference on Monday, April 29, 2024. We enocurage you to view and utilize the liturgy in your own ministerial context. Litrugy available in English, French and Portuguese.

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Sexual conduct by a ministerial leader is a difficult subject. The decision to come forward and file a formal complaint which names the offense involves much courage. This page offers resources to help you navigate filing a formal complaint.
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Congregational Healing: The Use of the Response Team

The Use of the Response Team: A trained Response Team can be deployed by a Bishop to help facilitate the healing process mandated by the Discipline. This page will help you create and maintain a trained Response Team.

Clergy Resources

Whether you are clergy walking with victims, the accused, or you have been accused, the resources on this page will guide you in the next steps.
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Easy Access to Your Church Leaders

Find your Bishop, District Superintendent, and other church leaders that you need to get in contact with.

Resources for Prevention and Response

Free, downloadable resources for prevention and response regarding sexual misconduct for both clergy and lay.

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Looking for Response Team, Boundaries, Safe Sanctuaries, or other training? Find training resources from GCSRW and other organizations here.
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