Philippines Regional Discussions

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Map of the Philippines Central Conference of The United Methodist Church
Map of the Philippines Central Conference, along with episcopal areas and annual conferences.

Representing an archipelago of over 7,700 different islands, Filipino United Methodism has a strong localized and mission focus. With ministering in the streets of Manila or in isolated rural villages, United Methodists consistently stand with the poor, the oppressed and the forgotten while speaking against authoritarianism and attacks on indigenous communities.

Delegates from the Philippines and Southeast Asia pray during a day of prayer at the 2019 United Methodist General Conference in St. Louis.. Photo by Kathleen Barry, UMNS.

This report reviews the results of the survey in the Philippines Central Conference related to the identity, vision, connectionalism and mission of The UMC.

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Map of the Philippines Central Conference of The United Methodist Church

This document developed by the Filipino coordinating committee outlines the history of United Methodism in the Philippines, its response to recent developments in the country and ongoing issues of concern among Filipino United Methodists.

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